Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport
Status: Open
You must submit your application by Thursday, September 14, 2023 by 5:00 p.m. ET.
The Tourism Development Fund Program is a cost-sharing program designed to provide non-capital funding to projects that:
- encourages the development of innovative new tourism products
- supports tourism investment
- builds the capacity of Ontario’s tourism industry to foster new tourism investments
The Tourism Development Fund Program aims to support projects that will increase tourist visitation and visitor spending in Ontario by:
- developing innovative tourism products and experiences
- increasing domestic and/or foreign private sector tourism investment
- strengthening the skills, resources and abilities of the tourism industry to attract or support new tourism investments
Eligible organizations
- municipalities and destination marketing organizations (regional tourism organizations are not eligible)
- Indigenous organizations
- not-for-profit organizations (with a clearly defined tourism focus)
- for-profit tourism organizations
- for-profit tourism businesses
Eligibility requirements
To be eligible for the Tourism Development Fund program you must:
- have consulted with staff at the Investment and Development Office or the Regional Development Advisor to confirm project and expense eligibility
- be Ontario based, incorporated or legislated entities, in existence for a minimum of three years or more as of the date of application deadline. This includes those that are established by or under legislation; are federally or provincially incorporated; or are band councils as defined under the Indian Act
- have a Canadian bank account in the legal name of the applying organization, at a Canadian financial institution conducting business in Ontario
- not be in default of the terms and conditions of any grant or loan agreement with any ministry or agency of the Government of Ontario
- be able to begin your project within 60 days of notification to ensure performance metrics will be met
If successful, you will enter into a Transfer Payment Agreement (TPA) with the province. As part of the TPA, the organization that applies must also be the organization that will incur and pay the project expenses and report back to the ministry on usage of the funds.
Number of applications allowed
- maximum of one application per lead organization/project (within same fiscal year)
- no multi-year applications will be considered
- expenses must be incurred after notification of funding approval and be fully spent before March 31, 2024
Program Guidelines
Tourism Development Fund program guidelines
Consult with your Regional Tourism Advisor, or email ido.ont@ontario.ca with questions.